Award Information

The much delayed (Covid!) presentation of the annual awards for projects completed in 2020 and 2021 took place on 17th May 2022 at Hope Church, Trinity Street.

The principal awards for both years had been previously announced at small on-site ceremonies.


The Society’s Annual Award plaques for 2020 and 2021 were awarded to Deheers and the Old Fish Market, both properties on the waterfront at Custom House Quay. These two principal awards were made to celebrate the initiatives taken by people directing local businesses, who have demonstrated their belief in Weymouth’s future by undertaking the restoration of two prominent historic buildings, retaining the historic fabric but converting them to new uses.  Both have been carried out with vision and to very high standards of quality and workmanship.

Principal award for 2021

The Old Fish Market

The Award 2021 to Weyfish is for the imaginative restoration and development of the historic Old Fish Market with major improvements to the ground floor and the opening up of an exciting new space on the upper floor for a restaurant.

Principal award for 2020


The Award for 2020 was made to DJ Property, commending the newly enhanced facade and the major interior transformation, creating five spacious new apartments yet respecting and retaining elements of the building’s original structure, while the Ebike Cafe on the ground floor adds to the success of the whole scheme.


Lorton Park at Broadwey
by Koori Ltd

This is an attractive development of new houses , modern but reflecting local vernacular styles. Constructed in blending materials of natural stone, render and slate, they have been designed as a setting for the historic Old Rectory.

The layout provides a pleasant ambience and gives a warm feeling of community, with stone boundary walls, set within a general environment of mature trees, landscaped spaces and allotment gardens.

Compass Point on Lodmoor Hill,
by Nylo Homes

’Compass Point’ on Lodmoor Hill, previously the Avon Lea Nursing Home, has been returned to its former glory, following major restoration, extension and conversion to 23 apartments.

This handsome building was a replica replacement of the original Lodmoor House of around 1850. Now, with its refurbished and redecorated frontage and well-presented forecourt, it enhances the wider environment of the Lodmoor Hill Conservation Area.

The Ferry Steps Area
Custom House Quay, Weymouth

Very welcome improvements have been carried out to this raised quayside area by Dorset Council as part of the structural works required for the harbour walls.

The newly enlarged space, made possible by the removal of the old brick kiosk building and extended harbour walls, has created a fine broad promenade area open to the sunshine. Together with enhanced access to the boats, this has improved the overall experience of this important location in the history of the harbour.

2021 and 2022

Portland Museum Improvements

We have commended this very thorough refurbishment to the fabric of Portland Museum, which has greatly improved the visitor experience. The major task of renovating or replacing the windows has been undertaken with particular care to maintain the historic character of these ancient buildings. The new windows and doors to the 1970s extension enhance both its appearance and insulation.  By moving the offices to the upper level, a fine new space has been created on the ground floor, increasing accessibility to the collection for visitors. 


Boundary Wall at Hawthorn House, 12 Grosvenor Road

This is a commendable reconstruction of the original front garden wall to a fine Victorian house.  This  ‘labour of love’, carried out with great care and attention, has brought the wall back to a sound condition, contributing to the special character of the Lodmoor Hill Conservation Area.


‘Roundhouse’, 2-4 Coburg Place

Major improvement works have been carried out to this highly important historic property which includes one of the two prominent buildings with rounded ends by King George’s Statue.  It had for long lain empty and in neglected condition, and its run-down appearance harmed the character of the building and of the area in general.  The ground floor has now been renovated as offices, and the exterior of the building, refurbished and redecorated, once again provides the splendid historical setting for the King’s Statue as originally conceived.


4 Trinity Road, Weymouth

This Commendation is for the fine restoration of this Grade II listed Georgian harbourside house to its characteristic design of the Georgian period.

The replacement of the 20th century shopfront by a traditional bow window has not only restored its original appearance, but also enhanced the unified character of this historic terrace.  Very careful attention has been paid to detail in researching, designing and carrying out the project.  


Royal Victoria Lodge, Victoria Square, Portland

This fine Grade II listed historic building has been taken over after years of neglect, and refurbished, with a new use found for the upper floors, now converted to five apartments.

Originally built as a hotel when the railway line from Weymouth was constructed in 1865, it is an important landmark on entering Portland, and its renovation has enhanced the whole ambience of Victoria Square.


53 The Esplanade

A Commendation is awarded for the works to the frontage of No. 53 The Esplanade, part of the important late 18th century terrace of York Buildings.

The greatly improved windows of the upper floors, and general refurbishment, go a long way towards helping to restore the character of this Georgian building, thus giving greater cohesion to the whole terrace.


Wesley Street Flowers

The residents of Wesley Street are commended for their initiative in making this delightful little street of early to mid 19th century terraced houses one of the most pleasant small areas of the town, with its riot of floral colour and greenery.

Their efforts have resulted in a much loved and admired space, with a strong feeling of community, enjoyed by both local residents and visitors passing by on their way to the town centre.


Engraved Stone Benches, North Terrace, Nothe Fort

These two splendid stone benches, with a series of engraved images on inset slate panels carved in intricate detail, celebrate the Fort’s and Weymouth’s rich heritage and history.  They complement the newly landscaped North Terrace and walkway, a dramatic setting for admiring the magnificent sweep of Weymouth Bay. 

2021 and 2022

Harvey’s Bar and Grill, 51 The Esplanade (Charlotte Row)

Alterations, refurbishment and restoration work have been carried out to this important building on Weymouth’s seafront, with a new use for the ground floor and basement.  This was the original Harvey’s Library and Card Assembly Rooms of the late 18th century at a time when King George III was visiting the resort, and later became the premises of the Royal Dorset Yacht Club.  With its newly painted exterior it enhances this part of the Esplanade.


Hamilton House, 38 Chamberlaine Road, Wyke Regis

Refurbishment work to this fine Grade II listed Georgian town house, in particular the replacement of inappropriate modern render with new lime render on the exterior walls, has been carried out to a high standard.   Although set back from the road, the house is significant in the general ambience of Wyke Square, contributing to the attractive character of the area.


Weymouth Heritage Plaques
These individually created ceramic plaques are set into the ground in the form of paving slabs at key buildings and locations which have particular significance in Weymouth’s history. The concise but detailed information, attractively illustrated, provides an excellent introduction to each building or site  in its wider context.  We heartily applaud this very worth-while project.


Weymouth Museum’s Window Displays

We offered congratulations to Weymouth Museum during 2021 on the greatly improved frontage to Hope Square, with fine window displays, enhancing the area.  In these times of uncertainty about the future of Brewers Quay, we applauded the care taken to carry out improvements and set up the varied displays to provide interest and information to allSince then, the building has been closed off and the Museum has moved to temporary premises in the town centre.


Wall and Bench – East Coast of Portland
This dry-stone wall and bench near Southwell has been created in the local materials found around the site, with skill and perseverance. This generous gift of time and effort provides a welcome resting place and a fine addition to the experience of local people and visitors as they walk along the East coast of Portland.


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